Is your website ready for the top search engines positions?

Is your website ready for the top search engines positions?

We prepared for you a checklist of adjustments, settings, and options that will help you with your search engine optimization.

1. Start with an Introduction

One of the key steps in a good search engines visibility is to correctly fill the names and descriptions for various elements in your administration, from descriptions of specific sites, articles, or images in your galleries, to tags and keywords for your blog posts. Visitors themselves won't see these texts, but they will help you with propagation of your website on social networks, mainly on Facebook.

This is why the description of your homepage is the most important one - so fill at least its HTML description in your administration, and it then will show itself alongside the articles you will share on Facebook - most people share links mainly to the homepage, therefore its description is the most important one. With other subpages that are important to you and you want to reference them, you should write their descriptions as well.

2. Write Something About Yourself

To write something about you and your project is useful not only for your visitors, but also for the search engine optimization itself and for social networks. The one necessity is to fill your basic information in your Contact page, but we also recommend you to write something about your project and yourself on the homepage of your website. You should also add some images to these types of texts, preferably your own portrait.

3. Have a Synoptic Website

Reasonably chosen folder and gallery names that would describe subjects of your efforts and what you want to woo your customers with, are a very important step for an overall clarity of your website.

4. Set Your Social Networks

Every help is needed. Social networks are very helpful, but you also need to know how to properly use them.

5. Keep track of your visitors

Because you should know where from your visitors came, what they were looking for, and if it wouldn't be a good idea to add some new section to your website to suit them better. Google Analytics and some other useful tools can help you with that.

6. Check Out Search Console

You can learn more about how to better propagate your website from Google itself with its service Search Console, that can show you some practical tricks or warn you about whan you might be doing wrong.

7. Reference Your Web Correctly

Internet links don't use the www. prefix, so loose it too. It will improve the referencing from social networks and the link itself will visually shorten. And after all, everybody today knows that site links include www. automatically.

8. Beware the Bad Propagation

Propagation of your website, either through business cards or social networks, is a necessity. But to cloy your project onto websites that have got nothing to do with it, or to web catalogues of a poor quality, that could actually hurt you.

9. Produce a Quality Content

Search engines like a quality content. And they will recognize it by regular referencing from other quality sources. It's a bit of an alchemy, but good sources for referencing are priceless. So participate in contests, run your own blog, and be as active on the Internet as possible.

The best way to get attention is to show something from your kitchen once every two or four weeks. How are you working, what are you doing and what might interest your visitors. Almost everyone is curious about what does it look like behind the scenes. So try it. It helps.