Practical use of tags for your blog

Practical use of tags for your blog

If you have a blog on your website, you probably don't stick to just one topic and therefore you need to distinguish your articles in some way. So how to divide your blog posts by their theme or topic? The best way is with tags.

With the inception of the internet blogging, tags became a practical alternative to classic categories. So instead of putting your posts into thematically separate "boxes", you just publish them all in one place, so that you could at the same time differentiate (or unite) them with tags.

You can find some examples of how to use tags on a few of our JuicyFolio websites. For example at the end of this post, you will find a tag list containing inspiration and content, which will lead you to a list of posts with the same tags. Tags can also take on the role of categories if you display them in your menu, as it was the case for example with Czech blogger Eliška Hrežová on her blog ElHre­ Here she divided her articles by their tags Výživa (Nutrition), Cestování (Travelling) a Poznámky (Notes).

Adding tags to your blog posts

How to do it?

You can fill in your tags in the administration of each blog post. Under the panel for the text blog itself and its description, you will find the Tags box, where you can insert your tags separated by commas (and if you start writing a tag that already exists, the system will suggest it for you). It is however important not to confuse Tags with HTML Keywords that serve for better search engine optimisation of your posts.

If you would also like to display each tag in the menu of your website, as shown on the example, you can use our URL Link function. In the Pages bookmark in your administration, you can click on the New Page icon and then select URL Link. Then you simply name the new page and fill in the link leading to the specific tag.

Putting links to individual tags into your website menu

If you need more

If you are a productive writer and you add a lot of articles to your website, maybe tags won't be enough for you and you'll need something more. In that case you can use tags and at the same time manage more than just one blog (again through the Pages bookmark and creating a new page, this time Blog & News). We actually manage our own blog in this manner, where we use not only tags, but we also divide our articles into three thematic blogs: Tutorials, Ideas, and Our Work.

However if you decide to use more than one blog, you need to remember that every blog has its own closed circle of tags and therefore if multiple blogs would use the same tag, they can't be displayed all together. For that reason we recom­mend you to use the multiple blogs option only for webs with lots of content and if possible after a consultation with our customer support.